Journey in amphora


Estrellas (Bodega de las)

Winemaker Estrellas (Bodega de las)
Representative Karina y Dionisio de Nova
Region / Country Castille-La Manche / Spain
Address Calle Unión, 82, 13300 Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real
Visite to winery Yes, by appointment
Wine sale at property Yes
Online sales
Catering Yes, with booking
Accommodation Yes, by appointment
Commitement level for amphora wine making Maximum High Good Basic
Status Winemaker
Vineyard (h) 43.5 ha
Buy grapes (t) Yes
Regionality preserved
Terroir Mesozoic, tertiary, compact white pink limestone
Cultivation method (BIO certificate) Ecovalia / CAAE
White variety Airén, Viura
Red variety Tempranillo, Syrah
Rosé variety
Classification of amphora Spanish tinaja (on ground)
Maker J. Laguvia(Villarrobledo), Castuera(Badajoz)
Treatment Époxy
Number 12 x 6-7000L + (120000-150000L)
Using since toujours
Washing hot water with pressure (60°C)
Drying open air
Fermentation in amphora Fermentation in amphora + other
Fermentation in other container Fermentation in amphora + other
with(out) maceration Yes
with(out) stems without stems
Maceration time 12-15 days in concrete
Pressing Yes
Aging in amphora Yes
Aging time decantation
Aging in other container No
Aging time decantation
So2 added except grapes Dionysos
Fermentation in amphora Fermentation in amphora + other
Fermentation in other container Fermentation in amphora + other
with(out) maceration Yes
with(out) stems without stems
Maceration time 12-15 days in concrete
Pressing Yes
Aging in amphora Yes
Aging time decantation
Aging in other container No
Aging time decantation
So2 added except grapes Dionysos
Fermentation in amphora
Fermentation in other container
with(out) maceration
with(out) stems
Maceration time
Aging in amphora
Aging time
Aging in other container
Aging time
Note Yes, with booking